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LUNAR Philosophy 

L U N A R  Learning Under New Artistic Regimes is a new journey towards excellence in STEAM education. Through the cross-pollination of ASTRONOMY, SCIENCE and ART, content has been designed to deliver memorable and long lasting impressions on the maturing minds of students, grafted by music. 


LUNAR provides an educational bridge that extends the science that is at the core of THE MOONS SYMPHONY and transfers the inspiration into an interactive, space-enriched learning platform where the concepts are embellished and curious minds expand their thinking to learn more about fascinating moons of our solar system.


Created and curated by Amanda Lee Falkenberg LUNAR is designed for maximum impact to help digest concepts in meaningful ways to inspire and catapult the learning experience.


LUNAR offers a dynamic musical canvas to communicate fascinating space stories and science, where the desire is to evoke awe and wonder, to ignite curiosity, to communicate aspects of science and knowledge of parts of the Universe, to sustain and stimulate imaginations of the next generation of scientists, engineers and space explorers. 


Based on science fact, LUNAR explores events and studies scenes taking place in our Solar System right now. With a dynamic blend of science, music and astronomy, students will engage with topics through different mediums and learning styles. This could take us to a new educational frontier.


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