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Circle of Benefactors June 5th, 2024

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THE MOONS SYMPHONY's outreach program ~ LUNAR ~ formed the centrepiece of the Circle of Benefactors dinner, hosted by President Hugh Brady, and shared the stage with Imperial Professor's, resident astronaut Helen Sharman and the LUNAR ensemble. 

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Image @ Imperial College

​​​THE MOONS SYMPHONY is the centrepiece for

LUNAR ~ Learning Under New Artistic Regimes. This educational initiative strives to create a transformative experience that celebrates both the beauty of space and

the importance of scientific discovery.

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Image @ Imperial College

Composer and creator of LUNAR, Amanda Lee Falkenberg describes the scientific inspiration during the Circle of Benefactors dinner at Imperial College's Great Hall   

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Image @ Imperial College

Paul Myer Hopkins conducts the LUNAR ensemble consisting of Imperial College and Orpheus Sinfonia musicians performing excerpts from THE MOONS SYMPHONY for guests at the Circle of Benefactors dinner   

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